East African Common Market begind today 1st july 2010 as the EAC executives tried to play down worries by maintaining that to reach to the common market stage was a process, and that it would not start instantly. Doubts on which countries among the five East African Community’s (EAC) member states are either going to loose or benefit form the single market arrangement still looms high.
the deal, which among its core features includes a free movement of labour, capital, goods and services is still the major question among majority of people, who had been pessimistic of the EAC Common Market even before the negotiations for the protocol started and the time frame for discussions had been set.
some analysts felt that the common market may have come at a time when majority of the population were least prepared and some are too enable them compete effectively with their neighbours.
THE EAST AFRICAN COMMUNITY includes Tanzania, kenya ,Uganda, Rwanda, and Burundi